
Committee 2022




Toni Berger

I am currently working on my master’s degree in physics at the University of Basel.

I’m looking forward to my third year in the YPF committe and I’m happy to face the new challenges that will be presented to me as the new YPF president and to continue the YPF legacy.

My free-time activities, besides studying physics, are playing video games, jogging, and watching series and movies.

Toni is the YPF president


Othmane Benhayoune

I'm currently working on my Master’s Project at EPFL in Lausanne. I'm interested in topics related to quantum information and dissipative quantum systems. From time to time, I delve into questions related to foundation of quantum mechanics. Besides, I am passionate about old music, typically Modal Jazz and Moroccan Melhoun.

Thanks to YPF, I'm looking forward to creating a Swiss hub to promote several topics in Physics amongst graduate and undergraduate students.

Othmane is the YPF treasurer


Frederik Van der Brugge

Due to my strong interest in natural sciences and their technological applications, I have chosen to study physics at the ETH in Zurich. I am currently in the last year of my BSc. Apart from physics, I am also interested in artificial intelligence, robotics and automation.

In my free time, I like to play video games, hang out with friends or exploit my netflix subscription. On very rare occasions, you will also find me reading a book, doing sports or travelling.

As a member of the YPF committee, I am excited to help establish a society of physicists that reaches beyond lecture rooms. And, needless to say, I always look forward to organizing and participating in the YPF forums, which celebrate the numerous fascinating sides of physics.

Frederik is the YPF community manager.


Johannes Eberle

I am in the third year of my studies towards a bachelor‘s degree in Physics at ETH Zürich. My preferred fields are particle physics, as well as computer science.

Besides my studies I like playing tennis and Go. Moreover, I enjoy reading books and travelling.

Meeting new people that are as passionate about physics as I am, has been one of my greatest experiences over the course of the past few years. That is why I am looking forward to the next YPF Forum, which will be my third.

Johannes is the YPF’s main secretary.

Nicola Ramseyer

I’m currently studying physics and biochemistry at the University of Bern and plan to obtain my BA degree in 2023. One of the reasons behind choosing these subjects in particular is my interest in the phenomenon of consciousness. Furthermore, I am drawn towards biotechnology and artificial intelligence, with a trip into the depths of quantum physics from time to time.

In between reinventing the wheel and 2AM nature documentaries, I like to sing or read as well as dedicating my time to politics. It is an honor to contribute to an organization like the YPF, highlighting the many faces of physics. I hope that future YPF events will inspire conversations and strengthen people’s interest in the field of science.

Nicola is the YPF’s vice secretary.

Adèle Le Borgne

I’m studying physics at the University of Geneva, I have chosen specifically theoretical physics because I love black holes! I'm interested in general relativity, cosmology, quantum gravity, the primordial universe... and a lot of fun things.

I spend my free time skiing, hiking, cycling, and/or going out with my friends. I also enjoy playing the piano.

It's always a pleasure to meet people with the same interest in science, I’m looking forward to helping organize the new Forum on one of the many topics physics can offer!